Sunday, August 14, 2011

Second Mill Pond Reunion

Quantamus Navarantha performing at the Second Mill Pond Reunion 
Mill Pond with its legendary coffee house, Open  Latte, closed over two years ago; and, yet, this is the second post that I have published motiviated by that unforgettable sim in the past six months. The occasions are the joyful reunions of Mill Pond alumni organized by Truthball Cafe's Leesa Donner and hosted by Johnny Firehawk. Mill Pond and its people touched the virtual lives of many in Second Life. The first Mill Pond Reunion held in February was an enormous success; so successful that they will become a regular event at Truthball. The Second Mill Pond Reunion was held on Saturday, and, again, it was a wonderful opportunity to party with many old friends. Well, let me post some pictures, and I'm looking forward to the next reunion.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them for better viewing.

Leesa Donner with her boyfriend Les.

Most Popular Couple: Malcolm Aristocrat and Sparkle Loon. Real world husband and wife
who met in Second Life.

Zoelia Zabaleta

Maggie Haas

Nash Lannoch

Loretta McGinnis

Kirra Sirrah

Zoelia, Me, and Jaysun

Truthball Cafe and Coffee House:

Mill Pond Reunion (February 22, 2011)

Party Host Johnny Firehawk


  1. I'm sorry I missed this reunion. Wish I were there. Art Shostakovich.

  2. Art, I miss you in Second Life. I'll make sure that you are informed of future Mill Pond reunions.
